Póvoa de Varzim - 252 62 62 47 _______________ Valongo - 224 211 333
Gondomar - 224 671 188 ____________________ Bragança - 273 327 264
Paços de Ferreira - 255 873 585 _______________ Lousada - 255 776 355
etc... ____________________www.lancastercollege.pt

segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2012

Happy Halloween - LC Valongo

Porque o Halloween também é motivo para uma boa gargalhada, que não tem de ser a tradicional assustadora, os alunos do LC Valongo presentearam-nos com algumas piadas que vimos agora partilhar com todos vós! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :)

Why are teachers happy at Halloween parties?
Because there's lots of school spirit!

What is a skeleton's favourite instrument?
The trombone.

What do you call a witch at the beach?
A sand-witch.

Why couldn't the skeleton cross the road?
Because he didn't have the guts.

Why do ghosts like to ride in elevators?
It raises their spirits.

What is a zombie’s favorite kind of street?
A dead end.

What do you call a person who puts rat poison in a person's Corn Flakes?
A cereal killer.

Why didn't the skeleton dance at the Halloween party?
It had no body to dance with.

Why is Dracula so unpopular?
Because he is a pain in the neck
And some jokes by teacher Liliana Pereira.
  • What do ghosts have for dessert? Ice Scream.
  • What does one ghost say to another? Do you believe in people?
  • When do you need to be afraid of a black cat? When you're a mouse.
  • What's a witch's favourite subject at school? Spelling.

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